PICS Society is organizing a Car Rally and Walk on September 6th, 2024 to bring awareness to the rising incidents of gang violence and drug abuse throughout the lower mainland. The Car Rally and Walk is a part of our annual REACH (Realize – Educate – Accept – Communicate – Help) initiative to create awareness and share information about available resources for having Drug and Gang Free Communities. We are inviting you to join us at the
“Unregulated drug toxicity is the leading cause of death in British Columbia for persons aged 10 to 59, accounting for more deaths than homicides, suicides, accidents and natural disease combined. The lives of at least 13,794 British Columbians have been lost to unregulated drugs since the public-health emergency was first declared in April 2016. The total number of lives lost in 2023 equates to an average of 6.9 deaths per day and is 5% more than the previous high of 2,383 deaths recorded a year earlier in 2022”. Ref: BC Government Statistics
Similarly, gang related shootings have seen an exponential rise in numbers. As per Blue Line: Canada’s Law Enforcement Magazine, in May, 2024; “Residents of the suburban Vancouver community of White Rock were awakened by multiple gunshots being fired at a vehicle, while downtown Vancouver shoppers witnessed gunmen firing at occupants of a blocked vehicle. Any type of violence that endangers people is unacceptable and all British Columbians deserve to feel safe from gang violence.”
The Car Rally will start at PICS’s Head Office (reach by 8.45 am) and move throughout Surrey and end at the Surrey City Hall, there will be awalk from Surrey City Hall to Holland Park. At Holland Park,there will be booth set up by our community partners showcasing resources to prevent addiction and gang involvement. You can show your support for this initiative by driving along in the rally or joining us at Surrey City Hall. Once we have received
your confirmation, we will coordinate with your office to finalize the arrangements of your participation. Media will be invited to cover the event.
Time of Event on September 6th:
Car Rally starting from PICS Head Office: 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Gathering at the Surrey City Hall: 11:00 am
Walk from Surrey City Hall to Holland Park: 11:00 am to 11:20am
Booths & Activities at Holland Park: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Please send us your confirmation of participation by calling Ahana Roy at 604-596-7722 Ext. 336 or emailing her [email protected].