And remember Crime Stoppers’ “9 at 9” approach to summer home security.
Vancouver, B.C. (June 13, 2023) –Vacation time is almost here, and with doors, garages and windows.
being left open once again, home security becomes a concern for everyone whether they go away or
stay home this summer.
Keeping ahead of the crooks is the best way to reduce your chances of becoming a victim – and several.
Lower Mainland cities offer programs in which anyone’s home security camera can literally become a
crimefighting tool for police.
Surrey’s “Project IRIS” and North Vancouver RCMP’s “Project OPTIC”, plus programs in Delta and Port
Coquitlam offer voluntary closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera registries, to help police solve crimes.
Residents and business owners in those cities who have security cameras capable of recording videos,
are invited to provide contact details to these registries. The data may be accessed by police on a case by-case basis to obtain video evidence during crime investigations.
• When a crime occurs, police can spend a lot of time and resources canvassing neighborhoods and
properties for video footage of a crime.
• Under the CCTV registry programs, local police investigators can refer to the list of matching CCTVS
camera owners so investigators can contact owners directly about requesting their footage.
• All information is confidential, and police do not have access to any video recordings without the
owner’s consent.
• Registration is voluntary, and anyone who changes their mind may withdraw from the registries at
any time.
“Affordable home security alarms and video equipment have changed the home break-in game for the
better,” says Linda Annis, Executive Director of Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers. “However, programs
like these CCTV registries, and Crime Stoppers, show how we can all play an important role in
protecting ourselves and our community.
“Meanwhile, we still have to remember crooks don’t go on vacation, and even though windows and
doors may be better protected with today’s technology; crimes can still easily occur in and around.
homes if people forget simple things,” Annis adds.
“Lock your car, so burglars can’t grab your garage door opener and walk right into your home. And
please don’t leave ladders, bikes or other valuables lying around outside in your yard or driveway, even
if you’re still home. Making sure we put away things outside the house gives us a chance to take
preventative action.”
“See something, say something” – it’s important.
“Today’s video security and alarms help to secure our homes better but can also give us a false sense.
of security leading us to leave windows, patio doors and garages open to criminals anyway on a hot
day,” Annis adds. “If you see something out of the ordinary in your neighborhood, call police right.
away. Or if you know who’s behind break-ins on your street, send an anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers.
Your tip may lead to an arrest, and possibly a reward of up to $5000.”
(See backgrounder attached: Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers’ “9 at 9” Approach to Summer Home
About Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers
Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers is a non-profit society and registered charity that receives.
anonymous tip information about criminal activity and provides it to investigators. Anonymous tips
may be provided though Crime Stoppers’ downloadable “P3” app for Apple and Android phones,
calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, online at solvecrime.ca, or by following the link on the
Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers Facebook page.
Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers accepts tips in 115 different languages and will pay a reward of up to
$5,000 for information leading to an arrest, a charge, recovery of stolen property, seizure of illegal.
drugs or guns, or denial of a fraudulent insurance claim. Find MVCS on Twitter: @solvecrime,
Instagram: metrovancouvercrimestoppers and You Tube: @metrovancouvercrimestoppers.
Nine common sense tips – things to check every night at 9 P.M.:
1. Remove everything from inside your car – from valuables and garage door openers, to empty
bottles and spare change.
2. Roll up car windows tight and lock all the doors.
3. Make sure all garage doors are closed and locked, including the door inside that leads from the
garage into your home.
4. Lock up ladders, bikes and even garden equipment.
5. Close and lock all doors and windows on your home, even if it’s hot out.
6. Set the alarm and check your video security equipment – can you see your front door activity
on your phone app?
7. Leave the porch light on overnight, so your front door isn’t hidden in darkness.
8. Make sure boxes from online deliveries are quickly picked up from your front step.
9. Check to see that newspapers and flyers are cleared from your doorstep. A pile of papers on
the porch says, “no one’s home”. Ask a neighbor to pick them up for you if you leave town, and
return the favor when they go away.