I’ve been proud to call this community my home for over thirty years and now I’ve been given the opportunity to represent it, which means so much to me.
This was a historic win and for the first time since its creation Vancouver-Langara is now a BC NDP constituency! With that said, regardless of any political label, I want you to know that I am committed to representing each and every one of you; we are all British Columbians and we all want the best for our province.
Thank you to all the wonderful folks who worked on this campaign every step of the way! My campaign staff, volunteers, and every single supporter that made sure I knew what a historic opportunity this was and worked so hard to get this victory – you are so appreciated and no amount of gratitude is enough.
Thank you Vancouver-Langara for electing me as your MLA!

For the last 32 years, Sunita Dhir has been an integral part of the south Vancouver and Marpole communities. With nearly two decades of service at SUCCESS, a non-profit organization that supports newcomers on their settlement journey, Sunita has helped hundreds of people learn English and connect to their new communities here in BC. She strongly supports workers’ rights in British Columbia and champions fair and equitable treatment for all.
Sunita knows that people in Vancouver-Langara work hard to build a future for themselves and their families. You can count on her and David Eby to take on the tough challenges for you.