The British Columbia Chapter of ICAI (Chapter) is a not for profit organization
incorporated under the Society Act. The Chapter was established for the Alumni of
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in the year 2014 with the primary objective of
providing networking and professional development opportunities across British
Columbia. The Chapter is managed by Board of Directors who are elected every three
year by the members.
The Chapter believes strongly in facilitating the integration process of Indian migrants
Chartered Accountants coming to Canada. Towards this end, the Chapter offers
mentoring support, conducts focused workshops, organizes social events and
participates in sports activities to build a community of like-minded professional
accountants who will find it easier to settle down and contribute positively to the growth
of the Canadian economy.
The growing importance of India as an investment destination with untapped market
potential is increasingly attracting Canadian companies to explore trade and investment
opportunities in India. Similarly, Indian companies are keen to explore opportunities in the
resources sector in Canada.
British Columbia has great potential for International Trade and Investment particularly
in secondary and post-secondary education partnership, natural gas , agri-food, clean
technology, life sciences, films, digital art and finance. The Chapter intends to play an
important role to help British Columbia and Indian businesses negotiate mutually
beneficial partnerships.
Key activities of the Chapter since its inception:
The chapter:
Conducts continuing education events – The Chapter conducts various professional
development events. Since its establishment has conducted approximately 60
events for the benefit of its member including:
a. Professional development events on topics such taxations, cybersecurity,
business and trade promotion between India and Canada.
b. Annual Gala functions – celebrated every year.
c. Cultural (live music and songs and social event (picnics)
Professional Development events are facilitated and presented by top
industry experts and professional organizations nationally and internationally
including by Big Fours: KPMG, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst
& Young. The events conducted includes holding webinars for promoting
business and trade between India and Canada.
The Chapter prepares its members for CPA British Columbia examinations.
The chapter has been organizing CPA classes for the benefit of the members.
Worked together for pathway to CPA Canada designation for new immigrants from
The Chapter has been helping ICAI members by providing job references and
networking opportunity to land jobs and settle in their adopted country.
Celebrates key Indian and Canadian national festivals.
The Chapter works closely with CPA British Columbia being a sister professional
organization. Additionally, the Chapter works with the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India for resolving any issues concerning members services.
Is active on social media disseminating information of interest to its members
through LinkedIn and other social media.
The Chapter boasts of strong and Committed Board.
Key achievements of the Chapter:
The key contribution if I were to say, I would say the Chapter has made is:
a. It has brought Indian accountants settled in British Columbia, together.
b. The Chapter acts as a key platform where ICAI members can get together,
have a sense of belonging to the community which eventually helps them
integrate and settle down well.
c. Most of ICAI members have obtained CPA designation also, therefore are
well settled and in turn they are able to help other ICAI members immigrating
to the country or in British Columbia
Due to the outstanding services that the chapter provides to its members including
holding of professional development events regularly, the chapter has been
receiving the Best Chapter Award from its alma-mater the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India from the very first year of its establishment in 2015.
The Chapter signed Memorandum of Understanding with Toronto and San
Francisco (USA) Chapters of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India to facilitate
professional development and networking among ICAI members settled in North
America. Under the terms of the MOU members of one chapter can attend
professional development events of the other chapters for free.
Chapter contact information
707 – 1050 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2S3. Phone / fax: 604 596
5212. [email protected]
Ganesh Sharma, Chairman
incorporated under the Society Act. The Chapter was established for the Alumni of
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in the year 2014 with the primary objective of
providing networking and professional development opportunities across British
Columbia. The Chapter is managed by Board of Directors who are elected every three
year by the members.
The Chapter believes strongly in facilitating the integration process of Indian migrants
Chartered Accountants coming to Canada. Towards this end, the Chapter offers
mentoring support, conducts focused workshops, organizes social events and
participates in sports activities to build a community of like-minded professional
accountants who will find it easier to settle down and contribute positively to the growth
of the Canadian economy.
The growing importance of India as an investment destination with untapped market
potential is increasingly attracting Canadian companies to explore trade and investment
opportunities in India. Similarly, Indian companies are keen to explore opportunities in the
resources sector in Canada.
British Columbia has great potential for International Trade and Investment particularly
in secondary and post-secondary education partnership, natural gas , agri-food, clean
technology, life sciences, films, digital art and finance. The Chapter intends to play an
important role to help British Columbia and Indian businesses negotiate mutually
beneficial partnerships.
Key activities of the Chapter since its inception:
The chapter:
Conducts continuing education events – The Chapter conducts various professional
development events. Since its establishment has conducted approximately 60
events for the benefit of its member including:
a. Professional development events on topics such taxations, cybersecurity,
business and trade promotion between India and Canada.
b. Annual Gala functions – celebrated every year.
c. Cultural (live music and songs and social event (picnics)
Professional Development events are facilitated and presented by top
industry experts and professional organizations nationally and internationally
including by Big Fours: KPMG, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst
& Young. The events conducted includes holding webinars for promoting
business and trade between India and Canada.
The Chapter prepares its members for CPA British Columbia examinations.
The chapter has been organizing CPA classes for the benefit of the members.
Worked together for pathway to CPA Canada designation for new immigrants from
The Chapter has been helping ICAI members by providing job references and
networking opportunity to land jobs and settle in their adopted country.
Celebrates key Indian and Canadian national festivals.
The Chapter works closely with CPA British Columbia being a sister professional
organization. Additionally, the Chapter works with the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India for resolving any issues concerning members services.
Is active on social media disseminating information of interest to its members
through LinkedIn and other social media.
The Chapter boasts of strong and Committed Board.
Key achievements of the Chapter:
The key contribution if I were to say, I would say the Chapter has made is:
a. It has brought Indian accountants settled in British Columbia, together.
b. The Chapter acts as a key platform where ICAI members can get together,
have a sense of belonging to the community which eventually helps them
integrate and settle down well.
c. Most of ICAI members have obtained CPA designation also, therefore are
well settled and in turn they are able to help other ICAI members immigrating
to the country or in British Columbia
Due to the outstanding services that the chapter provides to its members including
holding of professional development events regularly, the chapter has been
receiving the Best Chapter Award from its alma-mater the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India from the very first year of its establishment in 2015.
The Chapter signed Memorandum of Understanding with Toronto and San
Francisco (USA) Chapters of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India to facilitate
professional development and networking among ICAI members settled in North
America. Under the terms of the MOU members of one chapter can attend
professional development events of the other chapters for free.
Chapter contact information
707 – 1050 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2S3. Phone / fax: 604 596
5212. [email protected]
Ganesh Sharma, Chairman