manpreet dhillon

Manpreet Dhillon

Manpreet Dhillon is a Success Coach, and the co-founder of Be Your Own Best Friend (a South Asian Women’s network). Empowering women to reclaim their purpose/passion and move to the next level of their personal and professional lives. Manpreet is a Certified Personal and Business Coach, Certified Heal Your Money Story Coach, Certified Human Resources Professional with a Masters in Organizational Management to allow her to support women in moving forward in life.

Recently, Manpreet’s story “Thriving while Grieving” was published in the “Time to Thrive” edition of Chicken Soup for the Soul. The story highlighted her personal story of how she overcame grief and loss, to reclaim her passion and purpose. Manpreet has a strong passion for bringing the best out of people and have them live their dream life. She believes that everyone is meant to be abundant, health, have the life they want both personally and professionally. On the business side, Manpreet works with organizations on strategy, change management, organizational culture and building community.

Recently I was attending a mastermind of a group of high achievers who invest at a high levels in themselves. They know that as they grow their personal power we are able to help more people and live more of our purpose. I am learning new ways to help my clients who are growing their businesses and I am loving it!

As I was enjoying the views during my waking meditation, I remembered a time Honorare where I had sabotaged myself and my plans unknowingly. It was a few years ago. I was looking for a promotion as I knew I was ready to impact it, the organization more. I had talked to the right people and I had their support to out my name forward. I prepared my cover letter and resume. I researched current trends and had other people look it over. Everything looked like it was in my favour.

I had the resources, I set my intentions, I did the best job possible that I could do so I submitted my application. I was so happy I had taken this step. This feeling lasted until I talked to my coach. As I was telling her my excitement for this position. She asked me a question “what projects and skills How did you highlight that is specific to the position? My heart sank, I had left out an important project that was applicable to this position. On your resume we don’t put everything we do but we do highlight those that pertain to the position. How could I have forgotten?

I started beating myself up over it. I felt like a failure and the voice started “Manpreet? Why don’t you pay attention? You aren’t good at details…blah blah and I just felt like crap. I had sabotaged myself subconsciously. A part of me didn’t feel worthy of the position therefore I did something that would prove that to myself. I needed to come to a place of a complete compassion for myself and look at where else I was sabotaging my success. As I talked it through with my coach, I was able to forgive myself. {I did get the job in the end}.

Where are you sabotaging yourself? Where do you not feel worthy of growing your business or getting the next promotion? What peace can you do to change the situation? Over the next few weeks we will be n? looking at patterns and beliefs in our subconscious and how they are impacting different aspects of our lives. Are you sabotaging yourself in relationships or in your confidence or in career and your money?

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